Discover You

Join us, starting March 30th, to discover how God has uniquely designed you for His glory.

Sundays Starting March 30th

Did you realize that God has wired you uniquely? You truly are in a seven-billion-way tie for his favorite child! He has also gifted you with different spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, personalities and experiences to do what only you can do. We want to help you discover those and how God might want to use you for His glory on the road wherever you live, work, study, and play.

Who is this class for? Anyone who wants to discover more about who God made them to be or is at a pivot point in their life where they are trying to figure out what is next.

This class is offered several times per year. Come spend a Saturday morning, or several weeks, getting to know others better and more about how God has SHAPE’d you!

Registration is required. Cost is $20/person for $30 of materials and all the coffee you can drink. Materials include the CliftonStrengths inventory (formerly Strength Finders 2.0), a Spiritual Gifts assessment, and the Discover You class workbook. This 3-week class will be offered starting on March 30th.

Taught by Liz Jost and Christian Thompson.