Discover Membership

Has Salem become your church home? Consider membership! Next class: March 2, 12:00 pm

What does becoming a member mean?

Church membership is a commitment to unite with a body of believers who have joined together for specific Christ ordained purposes.

By joining Salem Church, you are proclaiming your personal faith in Jesus Christ and identifying yourself with a local body of fellow believers with shared responsibilities, spiritual accountability, serving opportunities and mutual encouragement with one another and leadership.

We desire every member to be committed to our mission & vision that we live it both inside and outside the walls of the church. As a big piece of that, we want to help people grow in their personal Jesus rhythms: Cave, Table & Road. Combined, it’s how we engage in genuine and personal conversation with the Father, with friends and family, and with those who don’t know Jesus.

If you have been journeying with us a while and feel like this may resonate with you, we invite you to attend Discover Membership. This element of the Discover Series is offered twice a year.

Discover Membership lasts about two and a half hours and will include a lunch. We'll help you learn more about Salem’s mission, vision and ethos as we live lives of love with God, in community and on mission. You'll get to hear about God's hand in our history, while learning about the Evangelical Free Church of America and our statement of faith. You'll also have the opportunity to get to know other leaders and aspiring members.

Register below for the next class!

Discover Membership will be March 2, at noon.