
Living Our Faith Together

Youth Ministry

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. It is our goal at Salem Youth Ministry to see each student grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. As youth gain a fuller understanding of who God is and experience the depth of His love for them, the Spirit ignites a passion in them to live for Jesus and serve Him in this world.

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Youth Ministries desires to make disciples who make disciples, and it is our joy to partner with parents in this endeavor. We understand that most discipleship work happens in the home, and thus we seek to be a strong resource and encouragement to parents in this great task. We want to equip, embolden, and support parents in raising their children in the Lord.

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." ~ Ephesians 6:4 (NIV) ~

What We Teach

What we believe as a church is foundational not only to what we teach in Youth Ministries, but also to the health and spiritual vitality of the church itself. Without sound doctrine, a church and its ministries will not remain on course. 

Youth Leadership

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Salem Youth experience, simply fill out the form below.