Reality Apologetics Conference

Join us next year!

What Is Reality?

The Reality Apologetics Conference is an annual highlight for Salem youth in grades 9-12. Hosted by Grace Church of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Stand to Reason brings this conference and challenges youth to go deeper in their faith and deeper in their defense of their faith. Our youth will join 4000 youth from across the region to be challenged. Youth in grades 9-12, you won’t want to miss this amazing weekend.

From Stand to Reason:

Whether we realize it or not, everyone has a worldview. It’s your set of beliefs about the way the world actually is. It’s your picture of reality. And this belief system helps you answer the big questions of life: Where did I come from? What’s wrong with the world? Is there a solution? Why am I here?

Christianity is a worldview, but it’s not the only worldview. It has competition. So how do we know which worldview, if any, is actually true?

The answer isn’t complicated: Check to see if it matches up with reality.

At STR’s Reality Conference, we show students that Christianity matches up with the way the world really is—with reality. It makes sense of the origin and design of the universe and life; the existence of objective truth and morality; the purpose, meaning, and value of human experience; the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; and the existential longing of every human heart. In other words, we have reality on our side.

Unfortunately, many students are under the impression that Christianity is make-believe for grown-ups. At REALITY, we’re changing that by using our greatest ally: Reality. Christianity isn’t a made-up story divorced from reality; it is the true story of reality.

Reality 2023