Volunteer with SalemKIDS

Show kids Jesus. Change lives.

Weekly Opportunities

Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings are when we consistently see the majority of our kids. If you are looking for an opportunity to develop relationships and work with children in a small group setting as they come to know Jesus and grow in their faith, helping with Sunday School or one of our Wednesday evening programs would be a great fit!

Occasional Opportunities

Kids love fun events, and we love hosting them! Events vary in frequency and type, and we love having other people get involved with the organizing and hosting. This is a great way to invest your talents in our kids and families as you work with other adults or enjoy the event with the kids!

Annual Opportunities

Summer Blast and the Christmas Program are our two largest once-a-year events that require a large number of volunteers to make it a successful event. There is behind-the-scenes prep work, set-up & clean-up, and LOTS to do during the event. Summer Blast is our largest outreach event at Salem, with the greatest potential of bringing new families to Salem!

Summer Opportunities

We are looking for high school students and adults who enjoy working with preschool children. June 6 - August 29 we will be offering nursery care for infants and Sunday School for kids age 2 years through Kindergarten during the 9:00 worship service. If you would like volunteer once or twice (or more!) a month, please let us know!

Interested in showing kids Jesus?