Women's Bible Studies

Women gathered together to connect deeper to God through His Word and with one another.

Women's Bible Studies are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. While Tuesday morning Bible studies include a time for connecting with the larger group, smaller evening studies are also offered. Each semester we strive to offer a variety of new Bible studies with great opportunities to engage in God’s Word with other women.

We pray you will find one that will help you connect deeper with God and with others.

Spring 2025

Please Pre-register for all studies below to guarantee that we will have a book available for you the first week.

Tuesday Morning Studies

Begin January 14th

Our Tuesday morning studies are all on-site at church. We begin together at 9:00 AM with a time of connecting and then we break into our individual groups from 9:40-11:00 AM for discussion and prayer. Free childcare is available! We just ask that you register early indicating your need so that we can plan accordingly.

Sermon Follow-Up

Join us as we discuss the current sermon series.

Respectable Sins // Jerry Bridges

Have Christians become so preoccupied with "major" sins that we have lost sight of our need to deal with more subtle sins?

Navpress author Jerry Bridges addresses the "acceptable" sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves, including pride and anger. He goes to the heart of the matter, exploring our feelings of shame and grief and opening a new door to God's forgiveness and grace. Travel down the road of spiritual formation with Jerry and discover your true identity as a loved child of God.

2 Samuel | Gina Pletcher

“To concentrate on the historical aspect of David’s reign and to stop there, is to miss the point of the book. What we are meant to find is guidance to live by…clues to what is beneficial and what ought to be done…these chapters are meant to be ‘a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’ Ps 119:105. Joyce Baldwin. Join us as we continue our walk through the study of Israel’s history found in 2 Samuel.

Tuesday Evening Study

Every other Tuesday, starting February 11th from 6:30-8:00 pm

Reveltation study // warren Wiersbe

The book of Revelation is one of the most intriguing books of the Bible. It’s also one of the most mysterious. Filled with vivid imagery, rich themes, and deep spiritual insights, it can be challenging to read and understand. Yet woven throughout Revelation’s sweeping tapestry is a unifying message: The victory found in Jesus Christ. This Bible study takes an in-depth, yet practical, look at the book of Revelation, and shares how we can experience a victorious life.


If you have further questions regarding Women's Bible Studies simply click the button below to get in touch with us!